In 2015, the Investing in the Future Conference organized by the government and the Central Council for Education had proposed the establishment of a Graduate Program system that allowed for advanced education in Japanese-led fields of study through collaboration between universities and Japanese companies and/or overseas institutions. Based on this proposal, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, as well as the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, held discussions on a specific design of the Graduate Program system. As a result, the Doctoral Program for World-Leading Innovative and Smart Education (WISE Program) was started in 2018.
The Graduate Program for Medical Innovation (MIP) was approved to be established in 2019 because of its unique concept of education that takes advantage of the features and strengths of Kyoto University.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:
(WISE Program Brochure)
Eligible applicants include students in a master course, latter doctoral course, or 4-year doctoral course at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine or the Kyoto University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The program has three key features described below:
Feature 1 – Far-reaching applied research
The program provides an advanced education and research system through an academic-industrial cooperation, spanning from basic research to the application of its products.

Feature 2 – Interdisciplinary collaboration
Academic supervisors in various fields take charge of the courses and junior mentors provide students with detailed research instructions to fulfill the various needs of students.

Feature 3 – World-wide research hub
The MIP’s research system, in collaboration with domestic and overseas research institutes, industries, and governments, is supported by the university’s relevant organizations that have a high level of global research achievements and long experience in collaborating with industry, government, and academia.